Install Elvyx 1.24

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip inside the folder you want to install it.
  3. Copy lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and put it in your common/lib.
  4. Generate the Elvyx URL The elvyx client can help you to generate it.
  5. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client elvyx.bat.

OC4J case

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip inside directory your want to install it.
  3. Copy lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and put it in oc4j\j2ee\home\applib
  4. Generate the Elvyx URL The elvyx client can help you to generate it.
  5. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client elvyx.bat.

Tested using: OC4J 10.1.2

Tomcat case

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip inside directory your want to install it.
  3. Copy lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and put it in common\lib
  4. Generate the Elvyx URL The elvyx client can help you to generate it.
  5. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client elvyx.bat.

Tested using: Tomcat 5.5

JBoss case

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip inside directory your want to install it.
  3. Copy lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and put it in jboss-4.0.5.GA\server\default\lib
  4. Generate the Elvyx URL The elvyx client can help you to generate it.
  5. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client elvyx.bat.

Tested using: jboss-4.0.5.GA

Weblogic Case

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip inside the folder your want to install it.
  3. Create a lib folder in your domain and elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and database driver.
  4. Set in CLASSPATH files elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and database driver.
  5. Generate the Elvyx URL The elvyx client can help you to generate it.
  6. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client elvyx.bat.

Tested using: Weblogic 8.1.6

Linux Case

  1. Download Elvyx from
  2. Unzip elvyx-1.0.XX.gz inside the folder your want to install it.

    gzip -dv elvyx-1.0.XX.gz

  3. Untar the file

    tar -xvf elvyx-1.0.XX.tar

  4. Copy lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar and put it in domain\lib
  5. Generate the Elvyx URL . Run
  6. Change your datasource project and set the elvyx driver.
    • Driver = com.elvyx.Driver
    • Url = elvyx url
    • Ex:

      <connection-factory factory-class="com.elvyx.Driver" url="jdbc:elvyx://localhost :4448 /?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver &amp; &amp;user=sa &amp;password=none " login-timeout="-1"/>

    • Notice: The elvyx URL has the character & replaced by &amp; because it was added inside one xml tag.
    • url=jdbc:elvyx://localhost:4448/?elvyx.real_driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver&

Start your application, and run the client or execute

java -jar lib/elvyx-1.0.XX.jar

Tested using: Fedora 2.4.22-1.2115