Built-in database


Elvyx uses a standalone mode HSQLDB database. The first time the application is launched a folder is created named "database" and configuration files are inserted to run program. Finally, Elvyx runs the scripts to create tables that are used.

If you want to process the data by yourself, connect to the built-in database and follow the instructions below:

How connect to the built-in database

  1. Download and install SquirreL . It is the client we are using but you can use a different one. Another option is connect to it using a db plugins for eclipse.
  2. Create an alias and connect it to the hsqldb database.
    • driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    • url = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/elvyx

    The user is 'sa' and the password is empty '' .

    Note: The database is not secured.

  3. Once you connect you can execute the sql statement that you need.